The urachus is the tube connecting the bladder of the fetus to the umbilical cord. This can occur due to the cord separating from the body or irritation from clothing. Frost worked in insurance and software testing before becoming a writer. How might a hormone aid weight loss in obesity? There are a few different causes of belly button discharge, each requiring a specific treatment. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, The impact of historical trauma on American Indian health equity, The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic — November 27. Fungal or yeast infections are also typically treated with antifungal powders or creams. I think you just have a curious baby. 4 month old by: Anonymous. In cases where the urachus tube has not closed completely, a cyst may then form on it later in life. Early treatment from a physician is essential if an infection takes place. Belly button discharge should always be diagnosed by a doctor. After bathing or showering, the belly button should be dried well. This mucus is possible around the umbilical cord stump before it falls off and sometimes continues after the stump is gone. Any form of discharge, including pus, mucus or blood, in large amounts indicates a potential problem that needs medical attention. Belly button discharge caused by an infection will need to be analyzed by a doctor, as soon as possible. Preventative care may be the best way to avoid belly button discharge caused by infections. There are a few common causes of belly button discharge, which are explained below: Leaving the belly button unclean can allow harmful bacteria to overpower the helpful ones and cause an infection. Here is an overview of how it works and some example menus. Here’s our process. Any form of discharge, including pus, mucus or blood, in large amounts indicates a potential problem that needs medical attention. All rights reserved. Last medically reviewed on October 30, 2017. 0 0 0. Umbilical Cord/Belly Button. The outlook for any case of belly button discharge depends on how well the treatment plan is followed and how well someone cares for their belly button. People with diabetes often have a higher blood sugar than normal, and yeast feeds on this sugar. People with diabetes should aim to control their blood sugar as best they can, and should work with their doctor and endocrinologist to find the ideal medication and dosage to keep their blood sugar balanced throughout the day. My 6 month old baby has a red belly button, ... actually she still does that at 18 months lol. Loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibers may help the skin breathe. Other symptoms of a potentially serious problem include a high fever or a change in how your baby acts. Learn what to look for and what to do about it includes a belly button piercing. If her belly button was infected it would be oozing pus but at 6 months it should be fully healed. As cysts typically come back unless the root is removed, doctors may recommend laparoscopic or laser surgery to remove the entire cyst and greatly reduce the chances of it coming back. While giving my 4-month-old daughter a bath I noticed a dark spot on her belly button. What are some of the most common causes of penile infections? Avoid picking or scratching at the belly button. A spot can appear on the lip for a variety of reasons. Read on to discover the causes, symptoms, and treatments. Doesn't bother him or smell and plan to talk about it with pediatrician tomorrow, but …

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