Yeah, that’s science. You need certain conditions, starting with the animal that is going to be fossilized dying in the right location (e.g. Why do textbooks claim that the 1953 Miller-Urey experiment shows how life’s building blocks may have formed on the early Earth — when conditions on the early Earth were probably nothing like those used in the experiment, and the origin of life remains a mystery? For macroevolution, you might want to start with the list I gave above, order and add to it as you see fit, and remove links when you find better ones. Here is one good example: “Science and Religion” interview with Kenneth R. Miller ORIGIN OF LIFE. The ten questions are definitely legitimate, and closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears and shouting, “LA LA LA” won’t change that. I read all the questions, answered three of them, and this is putting my fingers in my ears and shouting “LA LA LA”? I'm feeling rather peeved about the failures of the media—in particular, this lazy parroting of Discovery Institute press releases. Don Lindsay Archive And it is mainly that watch any movie/science show and the two are tied together, and the stuff is presented as if all the issues/questions regarding evolution and abiogenesis have been answered. Check out Transparent Eye’s discussion of JohnJoe McFadden, British molecular biologist ( No I don’t think so. Abiogenesis is not evolution. If we postulate that incremental species change has occurred throughout the past then the fossil record should reflect it. The Talk.Origins Archive Abiogenesis is seperate from evolution. So essentially, since abiogensis and evolution are tied together so closely, in what our kids are presented with in school, and everything is presented as if all the answers are known, asking the questions seem pretty fair. To see earlier posts, select the Archives at the top of this page. Steve you must not watch very much Discovery channel. from Dang Anderson. "10 Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher" is the latest gimmick of the anti-evolution crowd., Smooth Change in the Fossil Record Parents are allowed to have their kids “opt out” of evolutionary biology or anything else that they don’t agree with. The 10 questions are pretty much the same old crud that one can expect from creationists. […] rdon described the ten question plank fed to students to use to confront biology teachers. (Pp 35). It’s amusing how zealots from the religion of Relativity seem to think their religion can be proved by calling anti-Einsteinians names. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen Creationists try to pull this one off. This notion was finally put to rest, however, by the discovery of the Ediacarian and Vendian fossil faunas of the latest Precambrian age. There should be millions of transitional species. Talk to the National Center for Science Education. I’d like to know where this is occurring. What’s up with this dogmatism about “2 + 2 = 4”? The science surrounding evolution is much, much more fleshed out and sound. Why isn’t it reasonable scientific inquiry to ask why there are almost no transitional forms within the fossil record? Darwin’s tree of life. Those darn kids that have decided to think for themselves will still challenge your religion. All Original Content Copyright © 2003-2019 by OTB. I know this is harsh, but I am fed up. Thus, we expect the fossil record to have gaps. There are transitional fossils, maybe not millions (this bar is way to high, it is irrational) but there are lots of them. The gimmick are ten question […]. The easiest is the “gaps in the fossil” record. Why are they not there? Go watch some discovery channel show about dinosaurs or similar, or watch something from anthropology, and that is how it is presented. The other problem is a bit more subtle. There should be millions of transitional species. A bit of advice: you are going to find polite people who are curious about whether there is any evidence for macroevolution, or for the evolution of so-called irreducibly complex features of life, etc.. The archaeopteryx. Okay., The Fossil Record: Evolution or “Scientific Creation” May 3, 2005 18:55 MST. There is actual controversy in evolutionary theory, but oddly enough it deals with evolution…not magic, superstition, and an unknown designer (well actually we all know the designer is the Christian God, the IDists just don’t have the balls to admit it). A ridiculous list of "Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher", the product of the despicable Dr Wells and his worthless tract, Icons of Evolution, has been going around for years, and has been answered multiple times, yet it still gets published as if it were a serious challenge. Look at the early mammal like reptiles and you’ll see similarities and fossils that are pretty good candidates for transitionary fossils. The really sad thing is that Steve’s probably right—a high school biology teacher probably WON’T know these refutations. DARWIN’S TREE OF LIFE. Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher about Evolution. Further, high school biology students wont know it. A few years ago, Jonathan Wells came up with his 10 questions to ask your biology teacher… If you need more job materials such as Biology teacher behavioral interview, Biology teacher interview process, Biology teacher interview thank you letters… pls leave your …, Some More Observed Speciation Events Let me see. This hub comprises 10 of the best biology questions I have been asked by my students during their biology lessons in the past year.

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