One of my favourite books on innovation is 'The Myths of Innovation' by Scott Berkun.Berkun is a writer and speaker and former programme manager at Microsoft. I came into the book knowing that Scott is one of my authors; however, the topic of innovation and the well-researched book has once again far exceeded my expectations. Author and Carnegie Mellon alum Scott Berkun shows that much of what we know about innovation is wrong as he explores the history of innovation and creative thinking. The Myths of Innovation - written by Scott Berkun has completely challenged my closed mind regarding what I thought I knew about innovation and inventors. The 10 myths of innovation by Scott Berkun. In this new paperback edition of the classic bestseller, you'll be taken on a hilarious, fast-paced ride through the history of ideas. -- Guy Kawasaki, author of Art of the StartScott was a manager at Microsoft from 1994-2003, on projects including v1-5 (not 6) of Internet Explorer. Scott Berkun, from the text"Berkun sets us free to change the world." Borrowing real-life examples from both recent business history and the arts, Berkun reveals where good ideas really come from. The Myths of Innovation (2007) addresses common misconceptions about what it takes to become a successful innovator. He is the author of three bestselling books, Making Things Happen, The Myths of Innovation and Confessions of a Public Speaker. Best-selling author Scott Berkun argues that historical accounts of famous innovators foster the misconception that innovation demands having a new “big idea.” But, that’s a myth. Author Scott Berkun will show you how to transcend the false stories that many business experts, scientists, and much of pop culture foolishly use to guide their thinking about how ideas change the world. myth number one: the myth of the epiphany An epiphany, in essence, a sudden moment at which creation is supposed to happen, is epitomised by Archimedes’s Eureka moment or Newton’s apple. Featuring: Scott Berkun Note: This is a user submitted video under “User Submitted” Category. Giants like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Steve Jobs got straight to work on solving particular problems by experimenting with many smaller ideas.
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