Effects of drinking hot water, cold water, and chicken soup on nasal mucus velocity and nasal airflow resistance. All of the experts agree: sick people should avoid ingesting too much sugar. Studies hint that chicken soup contains compounds that have an anti-inflammatory effect, making it an ideal food to eat in the fight against cold and flu symptoms. They even compared several different brands of canned soups, with nearly every type (except chicken-flavored Ramen) able to slow down the cells to some degree. When you’re sick with the flu, avoid the following items: Alcohol. 5 Foods to Avoid when You're Sick (And 3 to Eat Instead) 5 Foods to Avoid when You're Sick (And 3 to Eat Instead) Kick that cold to ... while green leafy vegetables and nuts are rich in vitamin E. Cooked vegetables or pureed soups are easier to digest, but still contain the nutrients you need. A Norwegian classic, cauliflower soup has been a go-to sick meal for Quora user Petter Brenna Rian. Saketkhoo K, et al. Chicken soup combines the benefits of broth along with additional ingredients. Dr. One of these compounds, carnosine, is found in chicken and could be helpful when combatting the early stages of a cold or flu, according to a 2012 study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics . The takeaway. The soup did indeed slow down the cells, signifying to researchers that such an effect in humans could help lessen inflammatory symptoms, like sore throats, associated with colds and flu. (1978). https://www.allrecipes.com/gallery/soothing-soups-for-cold-and-flu-season Soft, creamy foods such as cream soups, mashed potatoes, yogurt, scrambled eggs, and custards are also soothing. ... avoid milk while you’re sick. The problem arises when even more sugar is added to processed blends of the juice. Cauliflower is also great for digestive health, as … https://www.wideopeneats.com/15-soup-tonic-recipes-beat-winter-cold Even 100 percent orange juice has lots of natural sugar in it, but it still provides thiamin, folate, potassium, and vitamin C, which make it worth the sugar intake. According to Rian, cauliflower soup is "not only fairly easy to cook and delicious, but its easy to eat for a weak and sick child."
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