Parliament I have also been pleased to be able to present other improvements. incapacidad para evacuarla después de hacer fuerza o pujar durante. Many translated example sentences containing "passage" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. and relied on trade winds and sea currents. Passages translated from English to Spanish including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Lisa Conlin and Kathy Nicodemus worked collaboratively to en, Lisa Conlin y Kathy Nicodemus colaboraron para garantiz, The threshold and dintel are made up of large boulders that represent. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, inability to pass a bowel movement after straining. Aunque hay varios otros temas que merecerían haber sido tratados, el tiempo pasa inexorablemente, por lo que me resta darles las gracias por el privilegio de haberme dirigido a la Conferencia de Desarme. ¿Por qué piensas que Hemingway no usó ni una coma ni un punto en este pasaje? The suspect ran into a dark passage and escaped from the police officer. The prisoner escaped from the dungeon through a hidden passage. There is an underground passage from the house to the stable. The time lapse had a serious impact on its effectiveness, especially in view of the, Lo que generó un impacto grave en la eficacia de las investigaciones, más aún. The cruise ship made the passage between the two islands in a day. En este pasaje, Beethoven modula de Si bemol mayor a Fa sostenido menor. My grandparents were European immigrants who met on the passage to New York. Have you tried it yet? Era un rito iniciático urbano para miles de hombres y mujeres negros que crecían en una sociedad enferma". Why do you think Hemingway didn't use a single comma or a period in this passage? costearse el pasaje trabajando durante la travesía, at the end of the narrow passage was a bathroom, Harry stepped into the passage, and closed the door behind him, entrance to the tombs is through a narrow passage, an enclosed passage leads into Wharf Road, we went up the side of the house and along a little passage to the garden, the palace was connected to other buildings by a series of secret underground passages, the fissure in the rock led to a passage, then a cave, we went down an underground passage to a cavern, at the bottom of the steps, a tunnel ran into another passage at right angles to it, suddenly the passage made a sure dive downwards, we met in the passage at the back of the rows of houses, surgeons can widen the throat's air passage, a mucus extractor for cleaning baby's breathing passages, the catarrh completely blocks the nasal passages, after a rough passage we finally arrived in Dublin, we'd arrived the day before after a 10-hour passage from Swansea, the passage across to Belfast was one of the roughest I've known, they eventually found passage on board a cargo ship, I could get her a passage on another ship, Soviet newspapers have printed letters from these workers appealing to Moscow to negotiate their passage home, the Duke had already booked his passage on the SS Excalibur, most of them booked passage on the first available ship, he worked his passage to Canada as a cattleman in the hold of a freighter from Liverpool, his bodyguards forced a passage through the crowds, the ship's bows forced a passage through the pack-ice, Yugoslavia would not permit the passage of German troops through its territory, he stretched out his legs, blocking the passage between his neighbour's table and his own, policemen lifted the cars onto the pavement to clear a passage, her aides had to go on ahead of her to clear a passage, two men suddenly elbowed a passage through the shoppers, han llegado fácilmente a la final tras esta victoria, their children are sent to special schools, or given an easy passage into prestigious higher education establishments, he didn't have an easy passage into the world of rock'n'roll, they will guarantee the free passage of humanitarian aid, Iran blocked free passage to neutral shipping, there is now free passage from Kirkuk to Habor, you may have free passage across our territory whenever you require it, the Soviets guaranteed him unhindered right of passage to Sweden, They must pay one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for right of passage through the Suez Canal, border posts had been ordered to deny the right of passage to all trucks bound for Saudi Arabia, they are demanding safe passage out of the country, Mr Thomas would be given safe passage to and from Jaffna, relief convoys were to be guaranteed safe passage through rebel-held areas, /their win has ensured a safe passage into the second round/ of the European Cup, his passage through life had not been easy, the opposition was giving the bill a rough passage through Parliament, la oposición estaba obstruyendo la aprobación del proyecto de ley en el Parlamento, the passage of heat through rock is extremely slow, the wind of the train's passage ruffled his hair, /a trail of broken glass marked their passage/ through the house, a trouble-free passage through secondary school and university, his passage through the crowd went completely unnoticed, a landslide blocked our passage out of the village, there was a body blocking her passage down the stairs, the fog swallowed them up again, deadening the sound of their passage, as the tanks rumbled through the town, /the ground shook at their passage/, deep ruts like those made by the passage of heavy guns, their friendship has survived the passage of time, the paintings have survived the passage of time very well, the passage of time by itself will not make cravings go away, the wrinkles on his face marked the passage of time, the pain gets worse with the passage of time, an asset that increases in value with the passage of time, we all remember the feelings we had as adolescents when we first used makeup to announce our passage into womanhood, her passage from the normal everyday world of married life to being a widow, during the passage of the local government reforms, it's been 200 years since the passage of the Bill of Rights, /the bill's final passage [into] law/ is certainly not assured, to ensure the bill's [smooth] passage through Parliament, my favourite passage in Mahler's 2nd symphony, there's one brilliant passage in the book, where the Italian gets trapped in the lift, read the following passage and answer the questions below, A tenant's letter to his landlord begging for the passage money to America, he would use the Architects' passage money to buy up the best of the bluestar diamonds, Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011.

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